Monday, February 18, 2008

An Ode To Fischer Price Musical Toys

MLBDaddy hears them every day,
during little MLB's time of play.
He pushes the buttons and sits back to enjoy,
the sounds that reverberate from his toys.

Some are soft, gentle, and fun,
while others annoy everyone.
Some make him laugh while others make him learn,
its double plays he wants to turn.

It might be counting or a nursery rhyme,
we hear them all if we wait some time.
They keep his attention for at least a bit,
but not as well as his bat and mitt.

I think that the toys are good and fine,
but hearing them daily sends shivers down my spine.
I am not one to dis,
But one of the tunes goes something like this...

'Shapes are in my cookie jar,
Triangle, heart and star,
There's a circle over there,
Here's a square.'

Not that that is all that bad,
its not like it makes me mad.
As long as MLB is smiley and bright
He can play with his toys all day and night.

1 comment:

anne said...

Do you find yourself humming these tunes at all hours of the day and night? Imagine the woman that's employed as the singer of these songs. I've pictured her in her little sound booth in the recording studio jammin' out to "Soup for One", as heard on the highly dangerous and recalled Fischer Price Laugh 'N Learn Kitchen.