Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Interview with MLBMommy

So the wifey and I decided to interview each other for our blogs so we sat down on the couch with our Bizzle Baby and some Cheez-It's and had at it. Here is how my portion of the view went...

MLBDaddy: So we went to dinner and furniture browsing tonight, did you see anything you would want to buy for our family room?

MLBMommy: Maybe. I think I'd like to go back to our first shopping stop and check out that couch again, and check to see if it's on sale.

MLBDaddy: So what's your top priority as far as our home improvements go?

MLBMommy: Finishing the cleaning of the basement.

MLBDaddy: Shifting gears a bit here, what's it like being married to a member of "the family"?

MLBMommy: [Eyes racing around the room. Digging for Cheez-Its] I think its nice you have so many friends, or err, family members. And I've gotten to know some really cool people because of it too.

MLBDaddy: If you had to listen to the same song on repeat for the rest of your life, which song would you choose and why?

MLBMommy: There are probably a lot of them. I can listen to the same song on repeat at work over and over again. But, for the rest of my life, I guess I can't really choose one. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

MLBDaddy: Let's say that John McCain beat out Obama in the November election. What would your reaction have been?

MLBMommy: I would have said [laugh laugh, picking at fingers]. I don't know what I would have said. I would have been disappointed.

MLBDaddy: What is your all-time favorite MLBDaddy blog post?

MLBMommy: The Oregon Trail.

MLBDaddy: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

MLBMommy: I have never received any advice. I like, never had anyone like, telling me any like, advice like in sports or anything. The best piece of advice I have gotten recently was from some friends who advised me to have Max sleep in his own room.

MLBDaddy: You asked me this one a few minutes ago, so I'm gonna ask it of you as well. What is your ideal vacation?

MLBMommy: I think I would like to go on a cruise to Europe. I'd like to go to Norway en stuff.

MLBDaddy: Ahh, a cruise. What cruise line would you like to go on.

MLBMommy: [With a bit of tude] It doesn't really matter.

MLBDaddy: Please rank the following songs in order from your most to least favorite.
1. Everybody Dance Now - C&C Music Factory
2. My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion
3. Whip It - Devo
4. Life is a Highway - Tom Cochran
5. She Blinded with Science -

MLBMommy: When I hear the song Whip It, I keep thinking of the song Push It by Salt & Peppa. Will you sing Whip it for me? Not just the melody, the Whip It part?

MLBDaddy: I only know the Whip It part.

MLBMommy: 1. Life is a Highway 2. Everybody Dance Now (A very distant #2) 3. My Hear Will Go On (Because it was our junior year prom song) After that the last two both suck. Neither, they are tied for bad.

MLBDaddy: Excluding cracking my ankles, what is the most annoying thing I do?

MLBMommy: [Had to think for a long time] It's hard to pick the most annoying thing cause nothing is like really really bad where I'm like, oh that is the most annoying thing ever ya know. Do you want like several?

MLBDaddy: Sure, you can give me a few.

MLBMommy: One of them is when we get home from work every day and you have to like poop for a half hour. Another one is when you clean up 90% of something and don't finish the last 10%. Oh crap, I just thought of another one, now what was it? [Munching the Cheez-Its] Oh yeah, when you always think things are going to go wrong. And when you want to be places a half hour early. Also, I think its not really annoying but kinda funny when like you are looking for something and it's like right in front of you and you can't find it so then I have to go looking for it and it's right there in front of you.

MLBDaddy: I'm sorry that I poop. My bad.

MLBDaddy: And what is my most annoying saying that I have?

MLBMommy: No Diggity No Doubt, No Triggity No Trout.

MLBDaddy: If MLB and I were hanging from a cliff and you could only save one of us, who would you save?

MLBMommy: That's a dumb question

MLBDaddy: The premise of is to try to answer dumb questions. Thanks for playing.

MLBDaddy: That just about wraps things up. Thanks much for your time.

Monday, November 24, 2008

What did you used to do for fun?

When you were a little kid, or maybe not even that little,
what kind of weird games or things did you do to entertain yourself?

Here are three things that I look back on with the fondest of memories from my childhood...

1. RUBBER BAND WARS - Making forts in my basement with my friends and then having rubber band wars. We would use blankets,
couch cushions, a ping pong table, and various other structures to construct elaborate fortresses to protect ourselves from the enemy. Usually a game played in one vs. one fashion, there were several unwritten rules to rubber band wars...

- A winner of the war was determined by the first player who struck their opponent with a rubber band five times, first to five wins

- Each player was given an equal number of rubber bands at the beginning of the game to be used as a weapon in the war

- No player was allowed to cross the imaginary line in the middle of the room for any reason

- No aiming for the face, but sweet for you if you hit the face, nice shot!!

- Verbal taunting while hidden deep within your fort is a sucka move, but not forbidden

The bravest of players would expose themselves in the open to volleys from the opposition in attempt to "load up with rubber" and ultimately control the game. WHEWWW, those were good times.

2. MAKING SANDWICHES - We are not talking about a few slices of turkey on bread with some lettuce and mayo that you eat for a meal. Oh no, we are talking little kid, human sandwiches. Here's the deal.

The rents used to have this old couch in our basement, brown and white checkered to be more detailed. Anyways, the couch had detachable butt cushions that were perfect for the construction of rubber band forts (see above). But thats not all they were good for, ahh no. They were even better served for use as pieces of bread to make human sandwiches. One cushion on the bottom, one 6 to 12 year old kid as the meat, a yellow blanket for the cheese, and voila, you had yourself hours of enjoyment. Whoever was making the sandwich always got to jump on top to make sure it remained cohesive. After further review, I'm pretty sure that this activity is what prompted my sister, several years later, to become a Sandwich Artist as the local Subway. Eat fresh Anne!

3. NILOYS and HUFFIES - I used to have a pillow. I called it a NILOY. I gave it Huffies. It smelled like rotten cheesecake. I loved my NILOY.

Now, tell me about the sweet things you used to do.

Mmmk, bye!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wii Champion

It wasn't easy, wasn't easy at all. But guess who won the second annual Wii family bowling tourney? Two years runnin baby!!

Here I am before the magnitude of the win really sank in.

Here I am 2.3 seconds later when I realized that repeat champions are rare.

Better start practicing fam, next years tourney will be here quicker than you think!

Friday, November 21, 2008

An Ode to Turkey Day

T-Giving comes around once a year,
I'm thankful that it's almost here.
Time to stuff our faces with eats,
Mashed potatoes, stuffing, and beets.

Tears of joy many cry,
When they see the pumpkin pie
Thats not me - I like the main course,
Mr. Ed was a talking horse.

Around the table is where we'll be,
MLBMommy, the fam and little Squirmy.
How great it is to be together,
Even with the colder weather.

Bring out the sweet potatos and the corn
Somali pirates are terrorizing the Horn (Of Africa)
But do not fret there is more to come,
Veggies, salads and apple dum dums.

So many things to be thankful for,
Uncork the wine (POP), now pour!
Raise your glasses one and all,
Black Friday's tomorrow, avoid the mall.

After the meal unbuckle the belt,
Odiforous offerings ready to be dealt.
Sit down to watch the football game,
Lions lose again, what a shame.

Drink some beers and take a nap,
Squirmy G has prepared a rap.
Here it goes there is nothing like it,
Listen up... the kid is going to Mic it.

He does a good job and is ready to lie down,
what buried treasures are waiting to be found.
Ok I stole that line from an MLB book,
the kid don't care, just give him his Nuk.

This poem is getting a bit off topic,
It's bordering on the catostrophic.
This might not make sense, and might be lame,
I hope you read it just the same.

I just want to let you all know,
that I'm thankful and very much so.
I have a great family and many good friends,
A streak of good luck that hopefully never ends.

I'm thankful for this, and thankful for that,
Too much to eat and I'll get fat.
Turkey day is running through my head,
Later fools, time to 30 Day Shred.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I'm back.

Is a man that works out to a girly workout tape less of a man? Let's discuss.

This evening I did Jillian Michael's "30 Day Shred" with MLBMommy. It was a brutal ass kicking, the likes of which I haven't received since running fart licks during 8th grade basketball practice. (Sidenote: A fart lick is a running drill in which every member of a team jogs around the gym in a line. Upon the coaches whistle blow, the player at the end of the line has to sprint to the front of the line and become the line leader. Everyone else is supposed to try to lick your fart as you run by. At least that's why I always thought it was called that, I could be wrong??)

Anyways, I spent about 25 minutes of my night shreddin. Totally shreddin dudes. Now my arms feel like Jell-O, my stomach is upset, and I have the shakes. I think I qualify as out of shape.

But let’s get to the heart of the conversation here. Can I get away with doing the “30 Day Shred” for the entire 30 days or shall I stop myself while I still slightly resemble a male? Keep in mind that the workout involves, shadow jump roping, “butt kicks”, jumping jacks, bicycle crunches and much more. I don’t know a lot of dudes that will subject themselves to doing workout tapes, especially a workout that from all outward appearances seems to be targeted at chicks. How many of you fellas out there have done “butt kicks” before?

That’s what I thought.

I think I will stick to the regimen, please talk me out of it… just 29 days to go!

Mmmk, bye!