Monday, November 24, 2008

What did you used to do for fun?

When you were a little kid, or maybe not even that little,
what kind of weird games or things did you do to entertain yourself?

Here are three things that I look back on with the fondest of memories from my childhood...

1. RUBBER BAND WARS - Making forts in my basement with my friends and then having rubber band wars. We would use blankets,
couch cushions, a ping pong table, and various other structures to construct elaborate fortresses to protect ourselves from the enemy. Usually a game played in one vs. one fashion, there were several unwritten rules to rubber band wars...

- A winner of the war was determined by the first player who struck their opponent with a rubber band five times, first to five wins

- Each player was given an equal number of rubber bands at the beginning of the game to be used as a weapon in the war

- No player was allowed to cross the imaginary line in the middle of the room for any reason

- No aiming for the face, but sweet for you if you hit the face, nice shot!!

- Verbal taunting while hidden deep within your fort is a sucka move, but not forbidden

The bravest of players would expose themselves in the open to volleys from the opposition in attempt to "load up with rubber" and ultimately control the game. WHEWWW, those were good times.

2. MAKING SANDWICHES - We are not talking about a few slices of turkey on bread with some lettuce and mayo that you eat for a meal. Oh no, we are talking little kid, human sandwiches. Here's the deal.

The rents used to have this old couch in our basement, brown and white checkered to be more detailed. Anyways, the couch had detachable butt cushions that were perfect for the construction of rubber band forts (see above). But thats not all they were good for, ahh no. They were even better served for use as pieces of bread to make human sandwiches. One cushion on the bottom, one 6 to 12 year old kid as the meat, a yellow blanket for the cheese, and voila, you had yourself hours of enjoyment. Whoever was making the sandwich always got to jump on top to make sure it remained cohesive. After further review, I'm pretty sure that this activity is what prompted my sister, several years later, to become a Sandwich Artist as the local Subway. Eat fresh Anne!

3. NILOYS and HUFFIES - I used to have a pillow. I called it a NILOY. I gave it Huffies. It smelled like rotten cheesecake. I loved my NILOY.

Now, tell me about the sweet things you used to do.

Mmmk, bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You missed a couple from our shared memory bank: Playing marbles with a certain grandma. Chucking tennis balls over the house. Trying to pick out which exact flower on the NILOY case the other person is staring at while on a car trip.