Monday, November 23, 2009

Last 5 Answers

6). What do you dread more, a trip to the dentist or a trip to the doctor?
For sure the dentist because they have old magazines in the waiting room, plus my teeth are rotting, plus I hate when they scrape your teeth, plus my hygienist always talks to me about her church, plus I always think they are looking up my nose, plus my hygienist always explains to me how to "deviate my jaw" when brushing to get those teeth way in the back, plus I don't like drills, plus the x-rays are weird, plus they take their sweet time and act like mine is not important.

7). Do you honestly think blondes are dumb?
I don't consider them all to be dumb but the ones I know that are smart can be counted on less than one hand.

8). At the start of the 30 day shred I weighed 176 lbs, how much do you think I will weigh when I am done with 30 days of shredding?
On day 11 today. I haven't lost or gained any weight. I'm going to guess I will weigh 178 because Thanksgiving is coming up.

9). What is the most likely scenario that will bring the end of human existence on the planet earth?
Swine Fever!

10). Was there a better song in 2009 than Beyonce's Single Ladies?
Um yes, but barely better. Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus gets my voice.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Greatest Blog Post I've Ever Read and 5 Answers

You can find my fav blog post ever here. I'll reread it a few times, let it sink in for a bit, and then add some commentary in the days to come.

Today I'll answer questions 1-5 of my previous post.

1). Would you commit perjury in court to save a friend or family member?
I wish I could say that I would do the right thing here, to uphold the law no matter what the circumstances, but I'm quite sure that under the right conditions I would attempt to lie my way through questioning to save someone I loved. I would mostly likely really suck at it and probably end up looking like a fool and then be locked away just like the family member, but hey, at least then we'd be in it together.

2). If your wife was a photographer, and she had a passion for it, greatly enjoyed taking pictures, and it was her most beloved hobby, yet you thought her pictures really sucked, would you tell her, or just keep your thoughts to yourself?
Holy cripe did I ever take the heat for this question. People let's be real for a moment, this question was PURELY hypothetical. I love the heck out of my wife's pictures. I like them so much that I can't believe I haven't been fired yet for spending half my day at work looking at the pics MLBMommy takes of the kids.

But let's break down the real question at hand here. Should you or should you not tell your spouse when they suck at something? My thought is this. I understand the whole, you need to be supportive blah blah blah crap, which yeah, I agree with that, its good to be supportive. But if you really do suck at something, wouldn't you rather hear about it from the person that knows you best? I guess I would. For example, the other week MLBMommy told me I'm really annoying when I clean the house because I get bossy and anal and such. So what did I do? I thought about it for a bit, and haven't cleaned a thing since. Did she hurt my feelings? No. I wasn't crushed. I used her criticisms and adjusted accordingly. Thanks girl!

3). In what room would you be most comfortable...
ROOM A - Filled with 10 puffy vest wearing soccer moms
ROOM B - Filled with 10 Project Runway watching soccer moms
ROOM C - Filled with 10 baseball hating soccer moms
This is a really tough one for me. First of all, being stuck anywhere with 10 moms, whether they are puffy vest wearers, Project Runway lovers, or baseball haters, would be a challenge in and of itself. I went with the process of elimination here. First I pictured myself sitting a room filled with puffy vests. I look left, a puffy vest. I look right, a puffy vest. I started breaking out in a cold sweat just imaging this. I'm pretty sure I would have a break down. So I crossed Room A off the list. Next, I imagined being in a room filled with 10 soccer moms discussing the latest episode of the most cousin robby show I have ever seen. Seriously here people, not a chance, not a way, not no how, nope, naw, none for me thanks I pass. That show is lamer than the Yankees, well maybe not quite, but close. So I crossed Room B off the list. Which left Room C, which is my selection. I think I could entertain myself in this room by attempting to turn the baseball hating soccer mom's into lovers of the game by filling their heads with tales of the sleek, stylish and smooth Joe Mauer and the cool, charismatic, and canadian Justin Morneau. And if that failed, I'd probably mix in a word or two about Nicky Punto to see where that got me.

4). Who is your all time favorite Minnesota Twin?
#34, The center fielder KIIIIIIIIIIIIRBY PUCKETT. I also like his nickname, Turkey Bucket.

5). What is the dumbest question you have ever been asked in an interivew?
This is no joke. I interviewed for this position at this place that builds airplanes once and the HR woman who did part of the interview asked me: "If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be and why?" I thought that kind of stuff only happened in movies. My answer: A banana because I'm tall and skinny.

Questions 6-10 to be answered another day.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

10 Questions to Ponder

During this lovely post, I will throw out 10 random questions. During my next lovely post, I will answer those questions. The questions will be a combination of things I have always wondered and interesting things I found while browsing the www. Feel free to answer any or all of the questions for yourself in my comments section. Here goes...

1). Would you commit perjury in court to save a friend or family member?

2). If your wife was a photographer, and she had a passion for it, greatly enjoyed taking pictures, and it was her most beloved hobby, yet you thought her pictures really sucked, would you tell her, or just keep your thoughts to yourself?

3). In what room would you be most comfortable...
ROOM A - Filled with 10 puffy vest wearing soccer moms
ROOM B - Filled with 10 Project Runway watching soccer moms
ROOM C - Filled with 10 baseball hating soccer moms

4). Who is your all time favorite Minnesota Twin?

5). What is the dumbest question you have ever been asked in an interivew?

6). What do you dread more, a trip to the dentist or a trip to the doctor?

7). Do you honestly think blondes are dumb?

8). At the start of the 30 day shred I weighed 176 lbs, how much do you think I will weigh when I am done with 30 days of shredding?

9). What is the most likely scenario that will bring the end of human existence on the planet earth?

10). Was there a better song in 2009 than Beyonce's Single Ladies?

mmmmk, bye!

Friday, November 13, 2009

July 24 to present - News and Notes

- "The Bobtoon" was the winner of the pontoon naming contest, thanks every for their submissions!

- MLBSisser was the winner of the baby naming contest (she's a sweetie)

- MLBDaddy remembered how the smell of little baby pooh can stick in your nose for hours

- MLB can hit line drives on about 20% of swings but doesn't adjust well to pitches that are not in his wheelhouse, I tried to get him hit like Joe Mauer (left handed) one day and he had a meltdown... sat down in the grass and rolled around like his world had just come to an end

- MLB enjoyed a few outings at the golf course this summer as well, he likes to take a full swing on the putting green and hasn't perfected 'pickin it clean' yet so if you golf with him anytime soon make sure to replace his divots

- MLBDoggie has moved from sleeping on the end of the bed to her own little pillow bed in the corner of the MLBParental master bedroom, a few early AM biting incidences did not bode well for her

- MLBDaddy posted for the first time on Facebook

- MLBDaddy tweeted for the first time

- MLBMommy perfected the art of emptying the dishwasher, while breastfeeding, while throwing BP to MLB, while most impressively keeping her sanity. (You are amazing MLBMommy!)

- MLBParentals began work on the 30 day shred

mmmmk bye!