Friday, February 1, 2008

What's cooler: wearing vests or blogging?

I hate vests. They are lame and suck. Delusionary people wear vests because they think a garment with no sleeves will make them look cool. I've heard people say, "I wear vests because they heat my core but allow my arms to breathe." I won't comment on that statement, but you can picture me rolling my eyes. Vests are not cool.

Blogging isn't that cool either. Mostly its pointless babble. At least the blogs that I read are. Yet, I still find myself reading some of them and at times looking forward to new posts. Not like, oh my god the opening day of baseball season is tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it. More like, oh, so and so has a new blog post and I would rather spend 5 minutes reading it than working on code to parse through a chemical formula and calculate a molecular weight. I make fun of blogging most of the time, and I don't really think it's all that cool.

So why am I starting a blog? Intrigue and challenge. I'm not intriguing. I would guess that no one in the world would describe me as so. Don't expect my posts to be intriguing either. But the challenge of having a blog intrigues me. Will I be able to do it? Will I keep it filled with new posts? Will the fact that I now have a blog cause some to point their finger at me and proclaim that I am a hypocrite?

I also enjoy writing. I hardly ever write, but I do enjoy it. I don't think I'm good at writing, but I do enjoy it. I don't think my sentences are always grammatically correct, especially, when, it, comes, to, comma, placement, but I do enjoy it. I don't think I have anything interesting to write about, but I do enjoy it. So why not start my very own blog for my very own enjoyment?

I'm not really sure what you will find here. Like the arms of a vest wearing man, my ideas need time to breathe. Hopefully my motivation will remain and this blog will evolve. In the words of one of my all-time favorite gangsta rappers Coolio, I would like to invite you all to "come along and ride on a fantasic voyage" with me.

So which is cooler, wearing vests or blogging? I'm pretty sure that neither are all that cool, but here I am blogging. I guess that makes me not all that cool (news to no one). At least I can still say I have never worn a vest!


Kim said...


I vote that blogging is cooler.

Also, sometimes I wish I could wear a vest. But it's not worth the amount of crap I'd have to listen to.

jessica said...

nice to read a guy's blog. vests+blogging=pretty deep. i have never seen the point to a vest for 'warmth'. it's always my arms that are cold, not my 'core'. so blogging wins.

Anonymous said...

That was some secret you told me on Friday. Welcome to the blog world.

My reason for sometimes donning a vest to wear outdoors: I'm wearing a bulky sweater or sweatshirt, and putting on my winter jacket is very constricting in the arms. So, vest: like a winter jacket, but without the annoying arm constriction.

jenny said...

blogging wins. it got you. now, if you start wearing vests while you blog, then we'll know there's a problem.

Tres Quatro said...

I vote for the vest. Mainly so that I can get the new blogger fully salty at me.

Unknown said...

Ah yes the vest. I have only seen that pulled off once. It was a gold vest worn by a short bald guy.. Or maybe it was Cyle, not sure. Yeah Cyle loved the vest.

Anyways.. It's good to see you've joined the blogging world. But please don't tell me you've got a Myspace page.

Anonymous said...

This is the greatest gift I have received in months. I will tease you mercilessly, you little blogger you. Vests are for sure cooler. And warm and comfortable and they look sweet too.

Oh and I should also mention if you charge these hours to my project, I'm telling. Mumbles is in charge of the Molecular Weight calcs from now on.

Kenny said...

Vests hands down!