Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wednesday What's Cooler: Being Dennis Anderson or Being Sven Sundgaard?

Denny vs. Sven

Dennis Anderson is a legend. He ends his WDIO TV broadcasts each and every night by saying "Good night and be kind."

Check out this list of cool squat he does, none of which is made up, I swear... he has been a licensed pilot for 29 years, he is a taxidermist and has been since 1959, he fishes, hunts, snowmobiles, and builds model railroads. Is that all you ask? No, not even close. The man is also an ordained minister, a father of four, a grandfather of ten, and wears a toupe. My wife once saw him mowing his lawn while wearing a speedo. I am crap kicking you not.

Not only does he anchor the Duluth news, but he has also been the host of the annual SMDC New Years Eve party held at the DECC each year. He gave it up when he realized he was way too cool for the party. Hard to believe anyone could be cooler than a night highlighted by the music of Sh-boom isn't it?

Sven Sundgaard is a spikey-haired, metrosexual who is inspired by Galileo and his favorite sport is ski jumping. UMMM.

Anyways, he used to be a weatherman in Duluth before he became TC and left for a job at Kare 11 in the Twin Cities. From what I remember, he is a cheery, upbeat chap who has a serious passion for the weather. He is a sell out just like his buddy Edward Moody who also left Duluth for "greener pastures".

Sven has his own blog where he discusses important world issues such as horses, rainbows, and running in spandex. I hear he as become quite popular in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and some think he has even reached cult status.

So what's cooler, being Dennis Anderson or Being Sven Sundgaard?

Although MLBDaddy may have a slight bias towards a man that has served his community for almost 40 years, he is still thinks Dennis is much cooler than Sven. Bias or not, it's hard to argue with a man who's mustache is thick enough to hide and keep fresh cookie crumbs he ate the night the Edmund Fitzgerald sank on Lake Superior.


beanski said...

alright so both michael and i just laughed out. freaking. loud.

go denny!

Tony Gjerdahl said...

No contest. Dennis Anderson is the man! I am totally jealous though--oh, how I wish I could see D in a speedo. I'll keep my eye out this summer I guess.

anne said...

AH hahahahaHAHAHAHAHhahahahaha!!! I've not laughed so hard in a very long while. I definitely think Denny is way cooler than Sven. And I'm terribly disappointed that Denny no longer does the New Year's eve party.

jenny said...

denny has it by a landslide. of course, seeing him in a speedo might have freaked me out a bit.

Mel said...

Denny...hands down...although Sven is pretty cute;)

Ashley said...

I vote for Denny! He was my neighbor growing up and I was friends with his grandkids and yes I have seen the's neon yellow! All in all he's a good man