Friday, January 23, 2009

25 Interesting Things

Haven't posted for awhile. Saw this on MLBAunty's site and liked it so I stole it.

You are supposed to write 25 interesting things that most people don't know about you. Not sure if these are interesting or not, but here are mine...

1. I was born in Bemidji, MN at like 3 am, on January 4th, in the year of our lord, 1980.

2. I watch The Bachelor, Survivor, The Amazing Race, Greys Anatomy, and The Biggest Loser and generally enjoy them all.

3. When I was about 7 years old I burned my finger after touching a car cigarette lighter because I was wondering why it was red.

4. My mom used to make book report covers for me because my artistic skills are less than below average.

5. One of my favorite moments of 2008 was when the wife and I won the family Pictionary game.

6. I used to think soccer was a sport.

7. I have faked being sick only once in my life that I can remember, and it wasn't to skip school, it was to skip church.

8. I pick my nose, but I don't eat it.

9. I am proud to be an American and even prouder that I do not live in Superior, WI.

10. In 1989, while suffering from a high fever, I had a hallucination/dream that Manuel Noriega was trying to hunt me down in the jungles of Panama. I was actually sitting in the living room puking into the family popcorn bowl.

11. I drove a '92 white Ford Taurus from 1999-2001. Squirmy's GP, I thank you for this fabulous opportunity.

12. I've mourned the the deaths of three people with actual tears; one grandma, one grandpa, and Kirby Puckett.

13. The last two hours before MLB was born is the most nervous I have ever been in my life.

14. In tenth grade I went to Mexico with my Spanish class, got really sick, threw up orange gatorade on a bus trip from Mexico City to Acapulco, peed blood, visited a tourist hospital in Acapulco, and got a shot of penicilin in the butt from an extremely attractive Mexican nurse who spoke zero English.

15. I've only had one professional massage in my life and I will never ever have another one.

16. I hate leaving voice messages for people. I also hate drive thrus. I also hate Derek Jeter and Tiger Woods.

17. I once thought I could make $500 a week by stuffing envelopes. I even ordered the $25 kit to find out how.

18. My favorite bands are Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Live, Stone Temple Pilots and The Offspring.

19. I once got thrown in a snow bank at the local ice skating rink by some churchies and I never really wanted to go back after that.

20. I got really pissed in 6th grade during the Presidential Physical fitness when I finished second in the mile run.

21. Doritos used to be the main staple of my diet, then they had to go and change their recipe and I don't really care for them anymore.

22. The most famous person I have ever shaken hands with is Mark McGuire.

23. I have always wanted to go white water rafting, but have never done it.

24. My favorite episode of South Park stars Al Gore and Man Bear Pig. Highlights

25. I once peed in my own face. Long story, but the lesson learned is to never urinate on a windy day in an outhouse that is being cleaned.


jenny said...

you seriously watch the bachelor? holy moly.

i'm with you on #9.

Anonymous said...

Bla haha! Totally LOL'd at #10.